• Suite 7/438 Forest Road Hurstville NSW 2220 AUSTRALIA
  • (+61) 2 95863111

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Quisque dolor fringilla semper, libero hendrerit allis, magna augue putate nibh ucibus enim eros acumin arcu

Zygo Zavox Reo Speech Amplifier


The Zavox Reo is a portable speech amplifier consisting of a battery operated amplifier and the option of a headset or lapel amplifier. The Zavox Reo is a personal aid, to amplify voice. It is powered by rechargeable batteries and designed to be worn on the body. 






Hearing Loop


Hearing Loop Australia will design, supply, install & maintain the right hearing augmentation system (Hearing loop, FM or Infrared) for your premises.

We also supply hearing assistance devices for TV and music listening in the home.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

The Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 provides protection for everyone in Australian against discrimination based on disability.  A key requirement under these standards is that a hearing augmentation system be provided in buildings where people assemble for:

  • civic, theatrical, social, political or religious purposes; or
  • educational purposes in a school, early childhood centre, preschool, etc; or
  • entertainment, recreational or sporting purposes; or
  • transit purposes.


Various hearing loop systems are available.

